About Wild and Sacred Men
Wild and Sacred Men is based in the Netherlands and aims to connect men. Men who want improve themselves and consequently the way in which they relate to the world around them.
To do the work together with other men creates a deep sense of brotherhood: connection and belonging. In brotherhood we rise each other up.
At Wild and Sacred Men, we focus on using our bodies for expressing what needs to be expressed and we do so in closeness to nature.
We fight, we dance, we sing, we share - all together. As brothers.
​Very few people feel that they are here on earth to be siting from nine to five in the same office building typing in front of a screen day in, day out.
Many people, though, have the feeling that they have to pretend to be someone different than they actually are in order to be accepted by others.
At Wild and Sacred Men, we are trying to discover who we truly are. We will try to figure out what our purpose is in this life, which masks we are wearing and why.
We try to experience our wilde state of being, so we can reconnect to our own inner power. So that we can live sincerally: honest to ourselves and honest to others.
From that place of truthfulness we can take responsibility for our lives. For the decisions that we make and have made, for their consequences and for how we react to what life is throwing at us.
Wild and Sacred Men is no religious movement, even though we make use of rituals and symbols that could be considered spiritual.
It is noteworthy that we treat our gatherings as ceremony. This means that we cross a threshold out of the mundane into sacred space. This means that we work within a space that is safe from everything that is not helpful to our process.
We work in close relation with nature, making use of the elements that make up existence on earth.
Why men only?
There is no denying that in the togetherness of men and women special and important things can occur.
However, there are a couple of advantages for separate groups.
Being as a man among other men, creates a unique dynamic, that enables things to happen that could not in a mixed group. It removes the element of sexual tension altogether. Suddenly, men do not feel they have to sound very wise or casually have to flex their muscles.
On top of that, men share a great deal of the same sort experiences and recurring themes in their lives that are relatable to other men.
And ultimately, being in a group with men only creates a sense of safety.
Wild and Sacred Men accepts all who identify as a man - and who are recognisable as a man to others.
Who am I?
Oskar Kroes, nice to meet you.
In 2013, I started facilitating the work. together with my wife Margo Awanata, I organised two journeys. We took two groups along many sacred sites in the Southwest of England, such as Stonehenge (outside opening hours), Saint Nectan's Glen and Glastonbury. These journeys took the groups both to the beautiful landscape and their inner world alike, fueling their personal and spiritual growth.
The next year, I graduated in Western Esotericism and Mysticism at the University of Amsterdam - my thesis being titled: The Mystic Isle of Avalon: the creation of a contemporary place of pilgrimage.
In the following years, I dedicated myself mostly to fatherhood of my daughter and son and I became highschool teacher, teaching "levensbeschouwing", a course in between social studies, religious education and philosophy.
During that period I also supported Margo, who specialised in women's work. Occasionally, we organised a workshop together, and did I facilitate workshops at various festivals.
In 2022, gatherings and Leadership Training by Sacred Sons inspired me to structurally go the path of men's work and to use my capabilities to help other men in our shared journey towards a world that is more balanced.